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Ysgol Iolo Morganwg

Hwyl iddynt oll wrth lwyddo

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Croeso i'r Dosbarth Derbyn 

2024 - 2025

SOS! Pwy all ein helpu?

SOS! Who can help us?

Dr Emyr Walters yn siarad am ei waith

Dr Emyr Walters talking about his work

Arsylwi ar adeiladau brys a phobl sy'n ein helpu yn Y Bont-faen

Observing buildings and the people who help us in Cowbridge

Person o siapiau 2D

Person from 2D shapes

Paentio dwylo a chroeso i'r Dosbarth Derbyn

Painting our hands and welcome to the Reception class

Tynnu llun - Myfi

Drawing Myself!

Ymarfer gwneud cylch

Practising drawing circles


Ymarfer Corff



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Arbrofi gyda dŵr! 

Experimenting with water!

Ymgartrefu yn y Derbyn

Settling in the Reception Class


2023 - 2024


Sawl coes sydd yn yr ardd?

How many legs are in the garden?

Parti trychfilod

Insect party

Creu brechdanau letys ar gyfer y parti

Making lettuce sandwiches for the party

Cylch bywyd y lindysyn

The life cycle of the caterpillar


Pa drychfiliod rydych wedi ffeindio?

Which insects have you found?



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Trawsblannu planhigion

Repotting plants

Helfa Trychfilod

Insect Hunt

Mae Caffi'r ddeilen ar agor!

Caffi'r ddeilen is open!

Mwynhau heriau a gweithgareddau annibynnol

Enjoying challenges and independent activities

Darlunio deilen

Sketching a leaf

Helfa Blodau 

Flower Hunt

Plannu Hadau Ffa

Planting beans seeds

Taith tyfiant natur 

Nature walk


Sut mae adeiladau'n sefyll?

How do buildings stand up?

Pa ddeunydd sy'n drymach/ysgafnach?

Which material is  heavier/lighter?

Darlunio a phaentio yn steil Rhiannon Art!

Drawing and painting in the style of Rhiannon Art!

Ymarfer sgiliau paentio â dyfrliw.

Practising the skill of painting with watercolours.

Ymarfer sgiliau darlunio siapiau a llinellau.

Practising the skill of drawing shapes and lines.

Defnyddio sgiliau cryfhau ac uno i greu tÅ·.

Using strengthening and joining techniques to make a house.

Diwrnod y Llyfr

World Book Day

Dydd Gŵyl Ddewi

Ymarfer sgiliau cryfhau ac uno deunyddiau

Practising joining and strengthening materials

Ymarfer sgiliau troelli a phlygu

Practising twisiting and folding skills

Diolch Mr a Mrs Francis am rannu eich profiadau gwaith gyda ni!

Thank you Mr and Mrs Francis for sharing your business experiences with us!

Arbrofi sut mae siapiau 2D yn ffitio at ei gilydd

Experimenting how 2D shapes fit together

Creu a threfnu tai y moch bach

Made and ordered the little pig's houses


Adolygu enwau/grwpio deunyddiau

Revised names/grouping materials

Arbrofi a chreu tÅ· i'r Tri Mochyn Bach 

Experimented and made a house for the Three Little Pigs

Beth sydd i ginio heddiw?

What's for lunch today?

Nodweddion tai yn yr ardal leol 

Characteristics of houses in the local area

Y Goeden Fach Werdd

Pan af i gysgu..?

When I fall asleep..?

Helfa olion traed gyda chliwiau Tric a Chlic

Animal footprints hunt using Tric a Chlic clues

Dysgu am Olion traed / Learning about footprints

Creu siapiau hir a byr drwy Ymarfer Corff / Making long and short shapes during P.E. 

Cynllunio a chreu llusern - Diwali - Planning and creating a lantern

Oriel Gelf Starrynight Art Gallery

Datblygu sgiliau celf - tôn / Developing art skills - tone

Darllen rysait, coginio a mwynhau siocled poeth / Reading a recipe, cooking a enjoying hot chocolate

Batho'r ddol!

Bathing a dolly!

Dyma fi - creu a phaentio / Me - creating and painting

Heriau annibynnol Y Corff!

The Body Independent Challenges!


Ymarfer synnau cryf a thawel!

Practising loud and quiet sounds!



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Ydy'r bath yn llawn?

Is the bath full?

Pa gwpan sy'n llawn a gwag?

Which cup is full and empty?

Helfa'r Corff.

The body hunt.

Mae gen i...


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Heriau annibynnol Y Corff!

The Body Independent challenges!

Paentio'r gornel chwarae rôl - yr ystafell wely!

Painting the role play corner - the bedroom!

Creu sain  cryf a thawel gydag offerynnau.

Making strong and quiet noise with instruments.

Parau'r Corff

The Body Pairs 

Gweithdy Samba!

Samba Workshop!


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Helfa Bingo Lliwiau Hapus!

Happy Colours Bingo Hunt!


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Cofrestr teimladau.

Feelings register.

Beiciau cydbwyso!

Balance bikes!

Pawb wedi mwynhau eu hwythnos gyntaf!

Everybody has enjoyed their first week!

Croeso i'r Dosbarth Derbyn!

Welcome to the Reception Class!

Croeso i dudalen y Dosbarth Derbyn

Welcome to the Reception Class page



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Casglu data, creu a blasu hufen iâ!

Collected data, made and tasted ice cream!


Creu Collage Haenau'r Môr / Sea Zones Collage

Wythnos 'Bydd yn ti dy hun!'


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Ymweliad i draeth Southerndown. Pa nodweddion allwn ni ddarganfod?

A visit to Southerndown beach. What characteristics can we find?

Sawl carreg sydd ar y traeth?


How many pebble are on the beach?

Mynd am dro i edrych ar nodweddion yr ardal leol a chael hwyl yn y parc!

Looking at the characteristics of the local area and enjoying in the park!



Diwrnod Eira Mawrth 2023 / Snow Day March 2023

Postio gwahoddiad i frecwast Babi Arth 

Posting an invitation to Baby Bear's breakfast

Dathliadau  Cwpan y Byd Pêl droed

Football World Cup Celebrations

Cenhinen Bedr neu Cenhinen! / Daffodil or leek!


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Gweithgareddau'r Corff / The Body Activities

Diwrnod Balchder

Pride Day


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Croeso i Ddosbarth Derbyn

Welcome to Reception Class


Gweithio fel tîm i greu castell o ddeunyddiau ailgylchu! / Working as a team to build a castle from recycling materials!


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Cinio! / Lunch!

Creu person o adnoddau amrywiol / Create person from junk box of loose parts
